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"Plato says that the unexamined life is not worth living. But what if the examined life turns out to be a clunker as well?"
- Kurt Vonnegut
religious shit & pilgrims
Religious Shit & Pilgrims Okay.  Everything after this, on this holiday, doesn’t involve religion, but there is a chance of philosophy happening.  The Camino is, at least originally, a religious thing,...
Computer error
Walking Life - after fatal error!
Normal service is now resumed after an unfortunate stuff-up by the web hosting company, hopefully there will be no repeats. We have now completed nine days of walking, 152 kilometres in total (17, 21,...
The meaning of life
The Internal camino
I really am going to have to post something today, if for no other reason than every time I sit down to write, I have a whole different perspective on things!  So I’m going to start with today.  We have...
Passed out in Porto
If Victorians think that Dan has paralysed the state capital with too many public works, they should spare a thought for the people of Porto.  A new metro line is being built through and under the...