The Examined Life


"Everything moves more slowly when I walk, the world seems softer and for a short while I am not doing household chores, having meetings or reading manuscripts. A free man possesses time. The opinions, expectations and moods of family, colleagues and friends all become unimportant for a few minutes or a few hours. Walking, I become the centre of my own life, while completely forgetting myself shorty afterwards."
- Erling Kagge

latest Posts

Let There be Music
Jazz is smooth and cool. Jazz is rage. Jazz flows like water. Jazz never seems to begin or end. Jazz isn’t methodical, but jazz isn’t messy either. Jazz is a conversation,...
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These days are so packed, so dense; something that happened 48 hours ago, or even 24 hours ago seems like a lifetime away.  I begin to panic that I am falling behind until I remember,...
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Ich Bin Ein Berliner - Is that Cool?
The last time I visited Berlin I left with the heady feeling of someone in love, to the extent where they cannot conceive that the object of their affection would be capable of any...
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Cartoon meaning
A Challenging Juxtaposition
When something catches us off guard, something that makes us slightly uncomfortable or uncertain, something that challenges what we thought were our values and beliefs, then it’s a...
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religious shit & pilgrims
Religious Shit & Pilgrims Okay.  Everything after this, on this holiday, doesn’t involve religion, but there is a chance of philosophy happening.  The Camino is, at least originally,...
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Computer error
Walking Life - after fatal error!
Normal service is now resumed after an unfortunate stuff-up by the web hosting company, hopefully there will be no repeats. We have now completed nine days of walking, 152 kilometres...
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about us

Mike & Marion traveled extensively during their work lives, now they are retired they spread their time between travel, volunteering and home/family life. To learn more hit the button below.

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